
每年, 索莱伯里学校的数学系和科学系颂扬科学领域, 技术, 工程, 和 math by hosting STEM-related events, 活动, 以及演讲嘉宾. The week is meant not only to eng年龄 the entire school with those subjects, but also to inspire thinking about STEM-related careers. 老年人: If you are interested in pursuing a potential 高级项目 with any of our STEM guests, please follow up with 数学部门. 布雷塔·米尔克斯主席 or 科学部门. Cari Nelson主席.



The Sustainable Tiny House Arrives
2017年,作为特拉华谷大学的可持续建筑示范, 最小的东西 是Melissa Matarese的愿景,并“通过当地企业和志愿者的双手和心灵实现”.“240平方英尺.ft. “家”由太阳能供电,90%的材料是可再生、可回收和再利用的. 现在,它被用作一种教育工具,提高人们在日常生活中对可持续发展的认识,并赋予个人将梦想变为现实的能力. 阅读本文 去了解梅丽莎, 一个没有任何工程或建筑技能的艺术家完成了这一令人难以置信的壮举.

我们的荣誉环境科学学生起草并建造了他们自己的小房子模型. 他们很兴奋地参观了梅丽莎的房子,并得到了关于它是如何运行和如何建造的问题的真实答案.

观看下面的视频,看看科学系系主任Cari Nelson和我们的荣誉环境科学学生之一讨论这个小房子.

Woman uses tiny house to teach about sustainable living


L和scape designer Amy Sanchez Hamilton of 雄鹿碧桂园 spoke to our Honors Environmental 科学 和 Honors Biology students. 分享她的教育, 职业道路, 和日常工作, 我们学了园艺, 景观设计, 和 how climate change has forced her industry to adapt to new circumstances. 她回答了我们许多园艺方面的问题,解释了在哪里种植什么(室内vs室外). 户外,阴凉处vs. 太阳等)和什么时候(土豆和羽衣甘蓝等蔬菜可以在本月种植)!). 

Our chemistry students took a field trip to Crystal Caverns, 和 math students kicked off their weeklong project of building 测地线穹顶 Jen Perez老师. 校长汤姆·威尔舒茨(Tom Wilschutz)同意担任“棱镜的校长”,并在穹顶完工后坐在里面!



In addition to several classes touring the tiny house, math 和 science students enjoyed a presentation by pilot Wayne Fowler, who has worked for the Air Force 和 Delta Airlines. He discussed the mechanics of flight, what happens to your body in flight, 和 he shared an entertaining video of him experiencing a centrifuge machine. 

一位当地的护理人员和EMT工作人员向我们的解剖学和生理学学生讲述了以拯救生命为生的感觉, sometimes in potentially dangerous situations — the stress, 强度, 和 incredible rewards of their jobs. 他们把学生带到他们的车前,向他们展示他们使用的设备、工具和药品.



Physics students headed into town to watch the Odette Building being moved to a new location 在宾夕法尼亚州的新希望! 

宾夕法尼亚社区银行的代表向数学专业的学生讲述了如何建立良好的信用, reviewed FICO scores 和 why they matter, shared common examples of credit fraud 和 how to prevent it, 讨论预算, 和更多的.

校友Riley Murphy '02,博士.D returned to campus to give a special presentation. Riley is the Technical Director of NMS Labs. He spoke to our Chemistry 和 Honors Biology classes about spectrometry, choosing chemistry as a potential 职业道路 和 the education required, 和 he led our students in an experiment. (Riley met his wife Alyssa at Solebury, 和 they just had their second baby!)

Our Forensics class took a field trip to the Philadelphia Insectarium 和 Butterfly Pavilion 在那里,专家约翰·坎布里奇做了一个关于法医昆虫学的报告.

At our weekly schoolwide assembly, Melissa Materese做了一个鼓舞人心的演讲,介绍了她的小房子,以及它是如何建成的. 一次新西兰之旅(可持续发展是当地文化的一部分)鼓励她回到美国过一种更环保的生活. 尽管没有工程或建筑方面的背景,但学生们对这一点印象深刻, 梅丽莎找到了合适的材料和帮助,最终实现了她的梦想. 我们还讨论了我们在日常生活中可以做的更环保的事情.

最后, STEM Week even dominated 韦德娱乐app下载地址's weekly 教师 meeting, where teachers created "Möbius strips" (where the recycling symbol came from).



急诊医师Linda Chaille-Arnold P'20在肯辛顿的一家医院工作, a neighborhood in North Philly recently described by 《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》 被称为“海洛因的沃尔玛”." Dr. Arnold gave a presentation on the schooling required to become a physician, the different types of jobs available in medicine, the kinds of patients 和 injuries that she treats every day in the ER, 并最终, 为什么她真的热爱自己的工作.

科学家们 Andra加纳格雷格•加纳, who joined us at last year's STEM Week, gave presentations on climate change 和 environmental science. 

我们的电影专业学生有机会试驾这个行业的新趋势:360度摄像机. Equipped with at least two lenses, 摄像机要求你重新思考如何拍摄场景(例如:导演显然不在房间里)。!


Dr. 辛西娅·凯勒,79届, a professor at Delaware Valley University, 还是索伯里学校的校友, gave two presentations on Microbiology, engaging students in a debate of "Are viruses living or not?" 

劳拉锄头, 顶峰咨询, 有限责任公司, spoke about her work as a statistical analyst, including how an internship led to a full-time job, the types of clients her company sees, 以及她的工作需要什么. She gave specific recommendations on classes to take in college, from computer science to writing courses. 

索莱伯里学校20岁的大三学生亚历克斯·罗森菲尔德做了一个精彩的演讲,介绍了他在eBay上开展的“变废为宝”副业,他把在车库拍卖中购买的物品转售给eBay, 和 how he transitioned into selling used car parts found in junkyards. 



每年, 韦德娱乐app下载地址在STEM周的最后一天给我们的数学班布置了一个问题. 今年的问题是:预测索莱伯里学校食堂员工一周内堆肥的食物总量. The final amount weighed in at roughly under 100 lbs, 布雷塔·米尔克斯(Britta Milks)的代数II班的估计最准确(75磅).)